Top Fishing Lakes in Wales for Carp Fishing

Wales is the perfect example of great things coming in small packages. The 20,782 square kilometers country is full of natural beauty. With all that natural beauty come adventures and experiences of a lifetime. One of the most popular attractions of Wales is Carp Fishing!  There are several fishing spots in Wales in general, but […]

Everything you need to know about Wahoo lures

When it comes to speed, wahoos are among the fastest fish in the ocean, making them appealing to competitive fishermen. The fish, shaped like torpedoes, can catch up to lures moving at speeds of up to 18 knots and more! High-speed trolling with wahoo lures is the most effective strategy for catching these fast-moving fish. […]

Thinking of Buying A Fishing Boat? Here Are Some Helpful Tips

Photo by Thomas Millot on Unsplash Every fisherman dreams of owning his personal boat. When you own a boat, you don’t have to limit yourself to the confines of a lake or pond; instead, you may sail the seas in quest of fish anytime you want. Hence, going out to get your first fishing boat […]

Lake Perch Fishing: Techniques, Tips, and Equipment

It is (rightly) considered one of the symbol fish for what concerns lake fishing. Rumors circulate aboutfans. A deservedly earned reputation. In the beginning, approaching it is really, really difficult. The tasty flavor of royal perch, however, rewards with due interests.His fillet is so tasty that many prefer it to salmon trout . But this […]


1. THE OLD LAKE, BURY HILL FISHERIES This fishery is a tree lined, Victorian estate lake that is 200 years old and covers 12 acres. There are 75 wooden platformed swims available which are well spaced apart plus there are purpose-built punts for the angler who wishes to fish afloat. This lake is a mixed […]