When it comes to speed, wahoos are among the fastest fish in the ocean, making them appealing to competitive fishermen. The fish, shaped like torpedoes, can catch up to lures moving at speeds of up to 18 knots and more! High-speed trolling with wahoo lures is the most effective strategy for catching these fast-moving fish.

Targeting or fishing for wahoo is an art form that fishermen must develop through repetition and experience. Hooking this aggressive fish with a strong jaw is much easier said than done because of its rough mouth.

Furthermore, even if you successfully catch one, you must maintain a tight line. Unless you do this, the fish will take advantage of any slack it encounters and violently shakes its head, causing the hook to fall out.

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Consider the following while purchasing wahoo lures:

The most common method of catching wahoo is using high-speed trolling lures, which is the most thrilling method of seeing them. It’s exhilarating to hear your line burst off the reel with wahoo movement on it. While slow trolling or dropping jigs might be effective in catching them, you do not need to confine yourself to a single kind of fishing. When it comes to capturing them, dead bait may also be effective. Until you acquire more expertise and develop a preference for one type of lure over another, we suggest that you experiment with a range of different lures and baits fished in various ways.


Wahoo is a vicious predator that attacks with incredible force. They can swim at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour, and you’ll be trolling at an hourly rate of more than 15 miles in many circumstances. That is a tremendous amount of power used to each stroke, and not every lure can withstand it. To avoid this, be sure to get a wahoo lure that is sturdy enough to withstand a few knocks while still running straight and without falling apart.


You must first attract and tempt them to bite on your wahoo bait to catch fish. However, not all of them work are good to work with. Wahoo lures with enormous skirts that create a lot of movement in the water, wahoo lures that leave massive bubble trails or contain rattles to attract fish, and lures that replicate wahoo’s natural food species are all excellent choices. Wahoos eat Bonita and small tuna; therefore, lures that look like these fish are effective.


Blue and purple lures are the most effective colors for wahoo since those hues most closely match their natural prey. However, wahoo lures in a variety of bright colors like pink, purple, white, lime green, and any other wacky combination you can think of are pretty successful as well. If you aren’t getting any bites on your standard colors, don’t be afraid to experiment with something different. Colors out of the ordinary will not frighten away wahoo and may even be effective when all other tactics have failed.

What is the right and essential way to rig a wahoo lure?

You’ll want to thread a six-foot stretch of thick braided wire (480 pounds is a good gauge) through the bait and connect it to the hooks or hooks themselves. As a result of the sharp teeth of the wahoo, monofilament will be cut off if you don’t use the wire. When fishing for wahoo, use 8/0 to 11/0 hooks, ideally made of non-stainless steel. You can use Planers, weights, and downriggers to hold your lure at the proper depth while fishing.

Wrapping up,

If you are interested in getting Wahoo Lures, it is better to go through all the prospects and know in and out of the product before purchasing.

If you are planning on going fishing within the next 10 days why not checkout the local fishing weather with our very own fishing weather forecast.

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